GWR Share Trading Policies
No shareholder may own more than 8% of the issued and outstanding shares
You must be a Canadian citizen in order to purchase shares
The GWR Board has the right to approve or disapprove of the sale of a share
The following is a step-by-step procedure on
how to post offers and accept offers using this website.
Please print this page and then use it as your
guide to help you with making trades.
How to Post An Offer To Sell GWR Shares
On the GWR Shares Listing page do the following:
- Click the button "OFFER SHARES FOR SALE"
- Complete the form:
- This Transaction: lists both your transaction start time and your IP address for security and tracking
- Number of Shares to Sell: this is the amount of shares that you want to offer for sale
- Selling price per share: this is the per share value you would like to sell your shares for
- Your Name: this should be your full name
- Your Phone: please provide a phone number where GWR can reach you
- Your Email: please provide a valid email address where GWR can reach you
- Allow trading in smaller blocks?: You may allow/dis-allow trading in smaller share blocks
- After Submitting your offer using the form you will be sent a confirmation email. After following the
confirmation link in that email you will see a confirmation screen.
- This screen will confirm all of your information that you submitted as well as provide you with a Transaction Number.
- This Transaction Number should be used when discussing your GWR Share Trade with Great Western Railway Ltd. .
- You are also provided with both your transaction start and end times. These times will be used to index offers in the order they are entered. Offers will be accepted in the order they are received.
Only Saskatchewan residents can post offers on this website.
- Your offer will be confirmed by GWR staff within 1 business day before it will be shown on the website.
How to Post An Offer To Buy GWR Shares
On the GWR Shares Listing page do the following:
- Click the button "OFFER TO BUY SHARES"
- Complete the form:
- This Transaction: lists both your transaction start time and your IP address for security and tracking
- Number of Shares to Buy: this is the amount of shares that you want to purchase
- Offer price per share: this is the per share value you would like to pay for your shares
- Your Name: this should be your full name
- Your Phone: please provide a phone number where GWR can reach you
- Your Email: please provide a valid email address where GWR can reach you
- Allow trading in smaller blocks?: You may allow/dis-allow trading in smaller share blocks
- After Submitting your offer using the form you will be sent a confirmation email. After following the
confirmation link in that email you will see a confirmation screen.
- This screen will confirm all of your information that you submitted as well as provide you with a Transaction Number.
- This Transaction Number should be used when discussing your GWR Share Trade with Great Western Railway Ltd. .
- You are also provided with both your transaction start and end times. These times will be used to index offers in the order they are entered. Offers will be accepted in the order they are received.
- Your offer will be confirmed by GWR staff within 1 business day before it will be shown on the website.
How to Accept an Offer For GWR Shares Listed On Website
If you would like to accept an offer already on the GWR website, do the following:
- Click the button "BUY" or "SELL" beside the offer you want to accept
- Complete the form:
- This Transaction: lists both your transaction start time and your IP address for security and tracking
- Number of Shares to Buy: this is the amount of shares that you want to purchase. If the person offering has agreed to buy/sell shares in small blocks you will be allowed to enter the number of shares you would like to buy/sell at the offered price.
- Offer price per share: this is the per share value placed on the share offer. When accepting an existing offer to buy/sell shares you cannot change the price.
- Your Name: this should be your full name
- Your Phone: please provide a phone number where GWR can reach you
- Your Email: please provide a valid email address where GWR can reach you
- After Submitting your offer using the form you will be sent a confirmation email. After following the
confirmation link in that email you will see a confirmation screen.
- This screen will confirm all of your information that you submitted as well as provide you with a Transaction Number.
- This Transaction Number should be used when discussing your GWR Share Trade with Great Western Railway Ltd. .
- You are also provided with both your transaction start and end times. These times will be used to index offers in the order they are entered. Offers will be accepted in the order they are received.
- Your offer will be confirmed by GWR staff within 1 business day. Until it is confirmed, the trade will be marked "Trade Pending".